Family having fun while preparing a meal in a clean, modern kitchen

Reclaim Your Time

Our Services

Basic Clean

Our Basic Cleaning option sweeps away the everyday mess, giving your home that sparkle you love

Deep Clean

Deep cleaning goes beyond the surface, targeting those spots you dread (yeah, even under the couch)


From post-party disasters to move-out miracles, we handle the wildcards

We Get It

You know how it goes – you're trying to juggle work, the kids, dinner plans, and the next thing you know, your house looks like it's been hit by a tornado. Trust me, I've been there! That whole "not enough hours in the day" feeling? It's real. And that's why I started Crossett Cleaning Co.

I wanted to give folks like us a chance to breathe, to take back some of that precious me-time, or hey, even just to have a moment to binge-watch that new series without feeling guilty about the mess.

With our no-fuss pricing (which, by the way, won't break the bank), you can kick back and let someone else handle the vacuuming for once. My team and I, we're all about getting your space spick-and-span, and making sure you can enjoy a tidy home without all the fuss.

So, next time you're feeling swamped and you feel like you could use a hand, just drop me a line. Let's chat, and let me take care of the mess. Because, friend, you've got better things to do!

- Laura (Owner/Founder)